Moving the Sun and Earth with Dr Ryan Milligan… | Our Place In Space
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Blog 21 July, 2022

Moving the Sun and Earth with Dr Ryan Milligan and Oliver Jeffers

Astrophysicist and HGV truck driver Dr Ryan Milligan joined forces with Our Place in Space artist Oliver Jeffers in a stellar move...transporting the Sun and the Earth across Northern Ireland!

Have you ever wondered how a team of humans would transport 2 celestial bodies across County Antrim?

We found out when QUB astrophysicist met up with Our Place in Space artist Oliver Jeffers to transport the Sun and Earth from storage to its new home at Divis and the Black Mountain, ahead of the sculpture trail's visit to Belfast between 11 June - 10 July.

Watch Ryan and Oliver discuss their action plan, and catch up with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the magic behind the move below!