Our Place in Space reaches Vietnam | Our Place In Space
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Blog 16 November, 2022

Our Place in Space reaches Vietnam

180 young people and their families took part in a programme of sky watching at the Nha Trang Observatory.

A new five-week STEAM programme, funded by the British Council and inspired by Our Place in Space, has been engaging young people from Northern Ireland, Vietnam and South Africa.

In July The Vietnam National Space Centre hosted 5 family days with young people from the Nha Trang region taking part in the free programme.

Working from the Our Place in Space resources, lots of little future astronomers took part in creative sessions whilst learning all about the cosmos supported by a team of scientists and artists.

The Vietnam project will be joined by other projects in South Africa and the OM Centre in Mid Ulster as it plans to bring astronomy and art together for almost 1000 young people around the world.

Check out some of the cosmic creations from Vietnam below.